Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Atlanta's Best
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Taylor Medical Group offers bio-identical hormone replacement therapy ( BHRT) to men and women. Hormone disorders can occur at any age and are oftentimes misdiagnosed by doctors since they can present as multiple symptoms that appear unrelated. BHRT is a natural way for men and women to achieve hormonal balance. Hormone balance can relieve depression, fatigue, decreased sex drive anxiety, insomnia, weight gain, muscle loss, brain fog, hair loss, sexual dysfunction, and many other symptoms. PMS, PCOS, infertility, low sperm count, ED, menopause, andropause (male menopause), hypothyroidism, adrenal gland dysfunction, and other hormone-related conditions are helped tremendously with BHRT. Bioidentical hormones are plant-based compounds formulated in a laboratory to be identical to those which the body makes naturally. We prescribe BHRT in several forms that include capsules, creams, troches, and pellets. We only use FDA-approved licensed compounding pharmacies. Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy can improve overall health, muscle mass, weight, focus, memory, metabolism, energy levels, mood, sleep, and focus. BHRT is important for maintaining the health of many vital organs like bone, brain, breast, and heart. Our holistic therapies are tailored specifically to each patient to meet your goals and needs.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Salivary Hormone Testing Provides Accurate Hormone Levels

Salivary hormone testing is an accurate method to determine active steroid hormones (i.e. progesterone, estrogen, DHEA and testosterone) levels.

It is much more precise and useful than blood or urine testing for measuring active hormone levels. Blood testing measures total hormone levels but do not distinguish between active or inactive hormone. Urine hormone testing is useful for determining how hormones are metabolism by the body. All three methods of hormone testing provide different information regarding hormone but salivary testing is the most useful for determining the dosage of hormone replacement. In most cases doctors that use blood hormone testing only use it to identify low total levels of hormones before starting hormone replacement. Many doctors that use blood testing rely on patient symptoms to direct their treatment dosage since blood levels do not reflect active levels of sex hormones. Many patients are overdosed with bioidentical hormone replacement and exposed to potential adverse side effects from overdosing with hormone therapy. Hormone therapy is great if hormone levels are maintained within normal limits. Too much or too little hormone levels can result in undesired symptoms.

Understanding Estrogen and Progesterone

A woman’s life can be explained by the fluctuations of two hormones, estrogen, and progesterone. When these hormones are in balance a woman’s life is wonderful. When they are out of balance problems to follow. To better understand the consequences of these hormone disturbances, we must first discuss the normal functions of estrogen and progesterone.

Estrogen, a steroid hormone, carries physiological messages to body organs and systems. These messages differ for each body organ and system. Estrogen sends messages to the uterus to grow and replace the lining that is shed during the previous menses.

Bone resorption is decreased by estrogen. The bone is constantly being broken down and replaced. Estrogen is needed to maintain a proper rate of bone breakdown and prevent bone loss. The vagina and female bladder functions are maintained under the influence of estrogen. It keeps the vagina moist and prevents the bladder from leaking urine.

In adolescence, estrogen is responsible for developing female sex characteristics. Estrogen causes the breast to grow by increasing breast cell numbers and their multiplication. It also stimulates the development of female sexual organs.

Estrogen decreases the function of the thyroid hormone. Estrogen increases the production of a protein called thyroid binding globulin. This protein binds the thyroid hormone making it inactive. Thereby, decreasing metabolism and increasing fat deposits. The body stores fat in order to have enough energy for a fetus if a pregnancy develops.

Estrogen affects the brain. Its effect on the brain is very tenuous. At normal levels, estrogen prevents depression and insomnia, increases concentration, and maintains a normal sex drive. If estrogen is too high or low, depression, anxiety, insomnia, decreased sex drive and decreased concentration may result.

Progesterone Benefits

Progesterone, a steroid hormone, also carries messages to other organs. The messages are directed to the same body organs and systems as estrogen but the messages are different.

Progesterone is produced by the ovary after ovulation. It instructs the uterine lining to stop growing so that it might develop and mature e in preparation for a possible pregnancy. Progesterone is produced for fourteen days after ovulation. If there is no pregnancy, progesterone decreases and signals the beginning of menses.

Progesterone decreases the target organ’s response to estrogen by decreasing the number of receptors the organ has for estrogen. Receptors are molecules on the cells that recognize specific hormones and allows them to carry their message to the cell.

Progesterone also decreases breast cell growth. It is involved in the maturation of breast cells and decreases the rate of multiplication. Progesterone also promotes normal cell death in the breast which is important in the prevention of cancer.

While estrogen decreases the rate of bone breakdown, progesterone stimulates bone osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are responsible for making new bone to replace old bone.

Progesterone improves thyroid gland function. By decreasing thyroid-binding globulin, progesterone increases the activity of the thyroid hormone. The thyroid hormone increases metabolism and utilizes the fat stored under estrogen influence for energy. Normal progesterone levels are important for normal body composition. Low progesterone levels can lead to weight gain.

Progesterone stimulates normal sex drive because it can be converted to testosterone which is involved in male and female sex drive.

It blocks aldosterone receptors. Aldosterone promotes water retention and swelling. Progesterone blocks aldosterone causing normal fluid loss and decreasing swelling.

Progesterone decreases uterine muscle contractions which cause menstrual cramps by promoting uterine muscle relaxation.

In the brain, progesterone binds GABA receptors. These receptors decrease anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Anti-depressants and barbiturates bind these same receptors. Progesterone is a natural antidepressant and prevents anxiety.

Testosterone Benefits

Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men:

Fatigue, decreased energy, reduced sex drive, sexual dysfunction, infertility, depressed mood, increased body fat, decreased muscle and bone mass, loss of body hair, hot flashes, sweats, and insomnia may be symptoms of low testosterone in men.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women:

Fatigue, decreased energy, decreased sex drive, depressed mood, increased body fat, decreased muscle and bone mass may be symptoms of low testosterone in women.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the body by both men and women. In men, primarily the testicles produce testosterone. It plays a major role in stimulating sperm production, sex drive, mood, muscles, and bone mass and cognition. Testosterone is produced in the ovaries and the adrenal gland in women. In women, it plays a role in sex drive, mood, and muscle and bone mass as well.

This hormone declines around age thirty in men (andropause) and women over forty years old (menopause). As we mature into later years there a significant decline during andropause for men and during menopause for women. Other causes of decreased testosterone may include chronic stress, hormonal imbalances, and medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, infections, liver and kidney disease, obesity, and pain.

Men deficient in this hormone may develop abdominal obesity (pot bellies), decreased muscle mass, and loss of sexual interest, and decreased sexual performance. Women may exhibit low sex drive, fatigue, low muscle, and bone mass, and increased body fat. Low testosterone is also associated with heart attacks, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, and depression. In both sexes of all ages, low testosterone appears to decrease sex drive, sexual arousal and lead to sexual dysfunction.

Call 678-443-4000 today for an appointment!

Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women:

Testosterone can provide many beneficial effects. It helps convert fat into muscle, improves skin tone, increases bone mineral mass, promotes a healthy mood, supports brain function, and increases our ability to handle stress. Restoring testosterone in men and women can improve sex drive, a sense of well-being, improve body composition and provide other health benefits.

Our treatment options for low testosterone include dietary and lifestyle changes along with safe, low dose, prescription, bio-identical testosterone in the form of oral medications, creams, gels, and pellets. We strive to restore overall health by identifying and addressing treatable causes of low testosterone levels.

We Offer Bioidentical Hormone Pellets

Hormone pellets are derived from natural plant sources and then modified at the molecular level to perfectly match what your body naturally produces. These pure bio-identical hormones are then crystallized and compressed into tiny cylinders about the size of a grain of rice. Pellets are available as testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen and can be administered for both men and women.

Bioidentical hormone replacement (BHRT) can be prescribed in several forms that include capsules, creams, and pellets. BHRT can enhance muscle mass and energy levels along with improving bone, brain, and heart health. It can also improve focus memory, metabolism, depression, anxiety, and weight gain.

Although all forms are effective- progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone hormone pellets have been proven to provide a more consistent delivery method. Patient experiences and clinical outcomes are also better. Pellets are great for patients that cant tolerates oral hormone therapy or don’t respond to oral or topical hormone therapy.

Hormone pellets can deliver consistent, stable levels of hormones for up to 4 months. There are no fluctuations in hormone levels as commonly seen with oral and topical delivery methods. This lack of fluctuation explains why pellets are more effective in treating hormone-associated conditions and symptoms.

Hormone pellets are derived from natural plant sources and then modified at the molecular level to perfectly match what your body naturally produces. These pure bio-identical hormones are then crystallized and compressed into tiny cylinders about the size of a grain of rice. Pellets are available as testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen and can be administered for both men and women.

Bioidentical hormone replacement (BHRT) can be prescribed in several forms that include capsules, creams, and pellets. BHRT can enhance muscle mass and energy levels along with improving bone, brain, and heart health. It can also improve focus memory, metabolism, depression, anxiety, and weight gain.

Although all forms are effective- progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone hormone pellets have been proven to provide a more consistent delivery method. Patient experiences and clinical outcomes are also better. Pellets are great for patients that cant tolerates oral hormone therapy or don’t respond to oral or topical hormone therapy.

Hormone pellets can deliver consistent, stable levels of hormones for up to 4 months. There are no fluctuations in hormone levels as commonly seen with oral and topical delivery methods. This lack of fluctuation explains why pellets are more effective in treating hormone-associated conditions and symptoms.

BHRT Hormone Pellets appear to work better for hormone-related conditions such as insomnia, mood and anxiety disorders, memory problems, osteoporosis, fibrocystic breast disease, and many other hormone-related conditions. Bioidentical hormone pellets provide the most benefits in the treatment of hormone-related symptoms in men and women without the harmful side effects of synthetic hormones.

*Results May Vary

Progesterone hormone pellets have not been available in the past. Estrogen and testosterone hormone pellets have been available and used since 1938. We have not used pellets in the past because women would still have to remember to take progesterone either orally or in a cream. This could be a problem if an estrogen pellet was placed but a patient forgot to take progesterone or did not refill her progesterone prescription. Now that progesterone pellets are available, patients can safely receive the benefit of progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone.

How are Hormone Pellets Administered?

Hormone pellets are inserted through a very quick and simple in-office procedure. We will administer local lidocaine anesthesia to your upper buttock area. After you are numb, a very tiny incision is made to allow the insertion of the pellets. The process is extremely quick and usually only takes a couple of minutes. The incision is so small that it requires no sutures. Sterile tape and a bandage are applied to the area. There is absolutely no downtime and you can return to your daily routine.

How do Hormone Pellets Work in the Body?

After insertion, capillaries begin to form around the pellets. As blood flows over the pellets, it absorbs the hormones. Pellets are cardiac-driven, meaning that as your heart rate increases, more hormones will be released as the body needs them. Unlike other therapies, which are all time-released, pellets are the only delivery method that actually mimics the testicles and ovaries. Over time the pellets will be completely used and dissolved by the body. There is nothing to remove.*

What are the Advantages of Hormone Pellet Therapy?

Since the delivery of hormones from pellets is cardiac-driven, there is a steady, physiological dose of hormone being delivered to the body. This prevents the roller coaster effect of some other delivery methods. For example, in men, after a testosterone injection, their testosterone levels will be high, but by the end of that cycle, their levels will be very low prior to the next injection. For some people, these highs and lows are something that they would like to eliminate pellets are the perfect option.

Pellets have a much longer time in between doses. On average, pellets in a female will last 3-4 months, and in men, 4-6 months. For many, it is much more convenient to come in to get pelleted once every 3-6 months, rather than weekly injections, or applying creams daily.

The dosing is always the same. Once we have the right dose dialed in, which is usually on the 1st or 2nd insertion, we can keep you consistently at your optimal levels! However, with some other modalities, particularly creams, there can be inconsistencies with the dosing. Another possible concern with creams is the possibility of transference to others.

Call 678-443-4000 today for an appointment!

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