Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy Can Help Patients in Atlanta

Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy Can Treat Your Hormone Imbalance

Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy Can Help Patients in Atlanta, GA with Their Hormone Imbalances

Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy – advanced treatment for what ails you

Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy is an advanced therapy that uses identical compounds to the hormones found in your own body. The world of science is ever-evolving, and as such improved treatments for commonly experienced medical problems are making themselves known every day. There’s no need to use the synthetically created hormones of the past anymore. These synthetic hormones have caused patients to experience many unwanted side effects and are no longer needed in this day and age. By using compounds identical to the hormones found in your body, Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy is changing the game.

What is Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy?

Hormones that are deficient in your body can be detected by conducting a simple salivary diagnostic test. Once the depleted hormones have been identified, your physician will provide you with one of the many different hormone replacement supplement options, as well as a regulated treatment plan. Bio-Identical hormone replacement (BHRT) can be completed using creams, capsules or pellets. A BHRT doctor believes in using compounds identical to your body’s own hormones to restore your hormone level back to a natural level and to treat the symptoms caused by your body’s hormone imbalance.

Conditions treated with Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

There are many patients experiencing symptoms of conditions that can be easily treated with Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy. You may be one out of a large group of people experiencing signs and symptoms of having a hormone imbalance without even knowing it. Hormone replacement therapy is most commonly used for treating the symptoms of hormone imbalance in both men and women. We’ve listed the major signs and symptoms of hormone imbalances below.

Signs of hormone imbalance in women:

● Hot flashes
● Night sweats
● Premature aging
● Loss of libido
● Thinning hair
● Memory problems
● Fatigue
● Weight gain
● Mood swings

Signs of hormone imbalance in men:

● Erectile dysfunction
● Anorgasmia
● Thinning hair
● Decreased muscle mass
● Memory problems

By using this natural hormone therapy, you are allowing your body to function as it should. There’s no need to live with these symptoms that can affect all aspects of your life.

Bio-identical Hormone Therapy expert- Dr. Eldred Taylor

The doctors at Taylor Medical work hard to provide the people of Atlanta, GA with hormone replacement therapies that work. Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy has proven to be a great treatment option. So often patients with hormone imbalances go undiagnosed and unnecessarily suffer symptoms that can be easily treated. The people of Atlanta, GA have been trusting the physicians at Taylor Medical with all of their hormone therapy needs. If you feel like you or someone you know may be experiencing the symptoms of a hormone imbalance, book your consultation appointment with Taylor Medical today.