Hormone replacement therapy treats testosterone deficiency

Hormone replacement therapy can help those experiencing testosterone deficiency in Atlanta, GA

Hormone replacement therapy is available to help those suffering from testosterone deficiency.  Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment that involves supplementing patients with low hormone levels with replacement hormones. There are thousands of people across the world that are suffering from hormone deficiencies who may be completely unaware of it. Testosterone deficiency is a very common hormone deficiency that is found in both men and women.

Testosterone is a steroid that is produced in both men’s and women’s bodies. Testosterone production in men takes place in the testicles and is a key player in regulating sperm production, mood, muscle mass, and sex drive. In women, testosterone is made in the adrenal glands and in the ovaries. This crucial hormone in women also regulates mood, muscle mass, and sex drive.

In men around age 30, testosterone production will drastically decline. Women who go through menopause will also experience a drop in testosterone levels. However, these natural aging processes aren’t the only reason for testosterone deficiency. Chronic stress, diabetes, kidney and liver disease, high blood pressure, and obesity may all cause a significant drop in testosterone levels. For those experiencing testosterone deficiency, hormone replacement therapy is a great option.

What does testosterone deficiency look like?
Men suffering from testosterone deficiency may experience any of the following symptoms: lethargy, fatigue, a decreased sex drive, infertility, depression, sexual impotence, and/or lower muscle mass. Deficient testosterone levels in women may be characterized by the following signs and symptoms: a drop in energy levels, fatigue, depression, increased fat levels, lower muscle mass, and a reduced sex drive. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, hormone replacement therapy can provide you with the relief you desire.

What is testosterone hormone replacement therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy involves taking a regimen of bio-identical testosterone supplements to bring back your testosterone levels to where they should be. Hormonal testing will be completed to determine which testosterone-identical hormone supplement would work best for you. Creams, oral medications, gels, and hormone pellets are different hormone supplement options. A doctor will decide with you which route is best for you and your lifestyle.

Atlanta top testosterone hormone replacement therapy doctors

Hormone replacement therapy is a serious medicinal treatment and should only be conducted by a respected hormone doctor. Trust Dr. Eldred Taylor and Dr. Ava Bell-Taylor of Atlanta, GA to work with you in determining the right hormone replacement therapy plan of action. There is no need to live with the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. If you’re a resident of Atlanta, GA and you’re experiencing testosterone deficiency symptoms, book your hormone consultation appointment with Taylor Medical today.