Recognizing the signs of menopause
The Signs of Menopause in Atlanta Women
Familiarize yourself with the signs of menopause before making assumptions.
Most women accept that they will experience menopause eventually, but many are uncertain as to how to recognize it when it does occur, while others are caught completely off guard when told they are in menopause. We want to impress upon you that this is important because menopause carries symptoms that are similar to those of Recognizing the signs of menopause, Taylor Medical in Atlantadangerous medical issues. It is important to familiarize yourself with the signs and to be appropriately diagnosed by a physician. Let’s take a moment to consider the most common early signs of menopause.
1. Hot Flashes:
This can describe whenever you feel hot, and start to sweat without any environmental factors causing you to heat up. It’s purely hormonal and most commonly occurs during the night. You either find yourself waking up drenched in sweat or unable to fall asleep due to the sweats. Many women also report hot flashes during the day as well. They discover that they have less need for coats and sweatshirts, and experience more discomfort in close quarters with others.